Hi! Here I am, back to blogging, and, hopefully, back to develop Kazsid.

Don't hold your breath - there is no new release except for the planned one, and it is on its way. Do you want to get your own, self-customized, new and shiny Kazsid build? Your dream is possible to realize now. We did publish the build tree of Kazsid. Kazsid is based on Debian Live project and it is a pure Debian system, with our slight customization and packages set. Currently, with only Russian and Kazakh locales, it fits on 1 CD, and that's great.

You can get the sources from the Github (Great resource, by the way).

Check it out here: https://github.com/crayxt/kazsid

First of all, do read the Debian Live manual. You should have Debian testing/wheezy box. Install git, debootstrap, and live-build packages.

You can read how to build Kazsid from README file. This source tree may and will be changed eventually. I don't like its current implementation, actually. So, we'll see what happens. Any comments on realization and suggestions are welcome.

Thanks for you attention and good luck in the Linux world.


22 June 2011


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